Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.
— Booker T. Washington, Presidential Advisor





Founded in 2016, the Janét Aizenstros Foundation supports pioneering programs in arts, education, literacy, technology and entrepreneurship.

The foundation was established as a tribute to honour the many people globally who have recognized Janét’s writing, entrepreneurial success and dedication to children and women’s empowerment.

From 2012 to 2013, Janét authored seven books in genres ranging from children to self-awareness.  Her writings have appeared in numerous anthologies globally whilst her poetry has been recognized by the International Library of Poetry.  Her children’s book series Why Mommy Loves can be found globally on all major book retailers in over 5 different languages. Due to the success of this series, Janét has been inducted in the Guelph Public Library archives as a Famous Guelphite along-side world renowned children’s authors Robert Munsch and Jean Little

Janét is very grateful for the many people who have supported to her companies over the years.

If it is your desire to partner with the Janét Aizenstros Foundation, know that all contributions will be lovingly given to an organization that supports the lives of children and women who need it the most.

All generous contributions allow us to encourage and financially support diverse organizations continually throughout the year.  Any contributions are received with joy and gratitude and will be 100% given to an organization that supports the initiatives and programs outlined on the Janét Aizenstros Foundation.

If your organization is interested in being considered for partnership, please complete the form below. All request are considered quarterly. 

Thank you. 

JAF Team