Supporting A New Organization Bringing Awareness To Criminal Harassment In Canada

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Stalking, cyberbullying and cyberstalking are THREE major forms of criminal harassment that seem to be rising in the era of social media.

The Janét Aizenstros Foundation sought out to align with organizations that could bring awareness to criminal harassment in Canada especially regarding women’s issues while raising awareness in other sectors where criminal harassment can arise.

Welcoming Outside of the Shadows — a project dedicated to criminal harassment in Canada by Julie S. Lalonde.

Our foundation decided to support Julie’s project to raise awareness in all areas of criminal harassment.

Below is a brief video created by Julie S. Lalonde with animation by Ambivalently Yours.

Julie S. Lalonde is an Ottawa-based women's rights advocate and survivor of criminal harassment. She works with various organizations dedicated to ending sexual violence, engaging bystanders and building communities of support. Julie has won numerous awards for her work, including the Governor General's Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case.

Montreal-based artist Ambivalently Yours makes work inspired by her ambivalence, feminist questions and online interactions. Her aim is to highlight the potential for political resistance and emotional empathy that exist within conflicting emotions. This animation was created by sequencing hundreds of original hand-drawings, made especially for this project. To learn more, please visit